This expedition brought us to a completely different province in Guatemala than we had otherwise been.
James Brady, Sergio Garza, Thoma Aagren, myself and countless others, pushed up the mountain where the mysterious temple city of Quen Santo stands as a ruin, and which was abandoned approx. 850 according to our era.
The temple city has countless natural deep cracks around it, where countless undiscovered Mayan caves exist beneath the temple city.
The expedition was a great success and a huge experience for the participants. An expedition where Thomas and I found several painted Mayan drawings on rock walls,
We found several burial chambers and ruins in the area.
A Lance Serpent. The snake - with the Latin name Bothrops asper - can be up to two meters long and is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in the world attacked Thomas, who was fortunately able to jump onto some rocks to avoid the fatal bite.