A visit to Gertrude Blom{in Mexico, San Cristobal, and an admonition not to go to Guatemala, as we would then be killed.
We traveled for 2 months where the brutality of the war was experienced in Guatemala.
With our military-green Dodge Van, Bjarne Adsbøll and I cut through the country with a state of emergency, the guerrillas' attacks on the country's infrastructure, destroyed roads and bridges and a total lack of people other than Guatemalans in the country.
Everyone was scared and any self-respecting tourist had long since left the country. We had to, in certain areas, drive fast to avoid being a sniper's target, and in other places we had to stop to make sure we wouldn't be attacked ahead.
We set up the expedition from the military garrison in Poptun and went 30 km into the close to the border to the country of Belize.